"All that fashion demands is composure, and self-content."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm going to L.A. tomorrow to look for jobs, so I felt it pertinent that I have a new outfit to wear. Since I'm applying for jobs as a wardrobe stylist, it's important that I look the part. The fashion industry is arguably one of the most difficult to break into, but in my heart I know it's where I'm suppose to be. When I left Matti D. to pursue jewelry design, as a solo artist, I didn't realize what I was giving up- The creative process and beauty in collaborating with other people. Having said that, I can't say where I'm going tomorrow, but I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, check out some of the cute staff at Nordstrom.
I spotted this adorable guy trying on jackets in the Collectors section of Nordstrom. It's not every day you see someone who can pull off a plaid button-up collar shirt, a sweater vest, and a black leather jacket with brown sleeves.
Meet Chantal, my new favorite sales associate in Savvy. She is the most helpful person I've ever worked with at Nordstrom, and so incredibly beautiful.