Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Opening Day at Del Mar

"Fashion does not reflect a nostalgia for the past but an eternal present that lies beyond the past."
-Barbara Vinken, (1993)

I went to the Del Mar Race Track today, to photograph what I consider the most fashionable day of the year in San Diego- Opening Day.  Every July, people from all over the world flock to Del Mar, "where the turf meets the surf," to show off their tans, their dresses, their hats and their spirit.  For the most part, it doesn't really have anything to do with the horses, it's much more of a social affair, but there's no better place to see Southern Californians in their finest than on Opening Day at the  Race Track.  

I was impressed with the retro-modern feel of the crowd.  As you may already know, opening day is also Hat Day; which means that entire outfits revolve around them.  I have no idea who won for best hat, or even what horse won what race, but I do know that horses attract stylish people.  Have you ever noticed how the equestrian look is always "In" fashion?

I love the way he put this look together.  Very cool, confident, and casual.  Even the purple sides of his sunglasses are choreographed to make it all work.  It really is all about the details.

Dresses with pockets are fantastic because they can be formal, but having the option to put your hands in them can really relax the overall look. She chose a yellow clutch instead of red, which would have been the predictable color element given the black and white ensemble, so cheers to her lack of predictability.

Now this girl is just plain adorable!
A timeless look, with a lucite heel.

Simple, yet elegant.

This woman's hat looks like it weighs a ton!  The dress does sit a little low on her bust, but the lace gloves are great.

This couple was hysterical, and his pants have bugs all over them!

These girls chose to wear culottes instead of dresses.  A casual and relaxed look, yet entirely appropriate.

Hats, hats, and more hats!

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