Saturday, July 3, 2010

Vintage Belts

"Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music-the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself."
-Henry Miller (1891-1980)

Since I wore one of my vintage belt buckles in my last post, I decided to take pictures of the other five in my collection. When I first discovered these, I thought it was such an interesting concept- deconstructing vintage and antique jewelry to make belt buckles. I was so inspired by the idea that I actually started shopping for vintage jewelry that I could rework myself. Now, I have another blog devoted to that practice, but I felt it pertinent to show where my ideas were born. Not only does she used vintage materials in the belt buckles, but the leather straps that come with them are vintage as well. So thank you Marie Ferris, for being such an inspiration to me.
This is my most recent, and favorite belt buckle. I absolutely adore vintage cameos and I think this one has so much personality. I think she looks like Betty Boop. We can't be sure, but it likely derives from the 1920's and it's one of the oldest cameos she's ever used in a belt. Surrounding the cameo is orange celluloid and aurora borealis crystal.
This is actually the first belt buckle I ever purchased from Marie, so it is near and dear to my heart. Hands down, I have worn this one more than any of the others because it goes with almost everything I own. It is comprised of a cameo that likely dates to the 1940s, a vintage brooch, and a pair of earrings. I think it's such a clever use of materials.
I think this french cameo is exquisite. My favorite part about this one is the blush on her cheeks.
I love this belt buckle, but I don't wear it very often because it's missing so many crystals. When I saw it, it was love at first sight, but after a while it started to make me nervous because every time I wore it, it would lose more and more crystals. Now I just admire it on the hook in my room because I still think it's beautiful.
Last but not least, we have my shell belt, as I like to call it. This one is so much fun because there's so much to look at. I love the intricacy. I'm pretty sure this one use to be a charm bracelet.

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